Kyrie Eleison

TTBB choir, Solo, unaccompanied
SATB choir, Solo, unaccompanied

My first setting of the spiritual, “Lord, have mercy,” was a simple song using solo and choral accompaniment. After talking with a mentor about how I could do more with spirituals, the revelation came to combine the spiritual with the traditional text “Kyrie eleison” because of the translation. After a few edits, mostly added rhythmic interest in the final key, the song now exists in its final form.

Kyrie eleison.                                              Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy, Save me now.
Save poor sinner, Save me now.

Christe eleison.                                           Christ, have mercy.
Save me, Jesus…
Lord, I’m troubled…

Kyrie eleison.                                              Lord, have mercy.
Lord, I’m sinking…
Lord, have mercy…

Kyrie Eleison

Minimum of 10 scores
Select voicing after “Add to Cart”
Digital score only (PDF)
No physical copies will be mailed.


All orders must include a score for every person including choristers, accompanist/collaborative pianist, and conductor. Upon receipt of payment, a score will be emailed within 3-5 business days. All choral orders must be for a minimum of 10 scores. All solo-vocal orders are for 2 scores (vocalist and accompanist/ collaborative pianist).